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Weekly Weight Loss Injection
Semaglutide has proven to be highly effective in helping clients lose weight where other methods have failed.
- Medication, Provider Consultation and Shipping all included
- Its as easy as 1 – 2 – 3! Create an account, answer a few medical questions, and speak with your doctor.
- Unlimited messaging with clinical staff through our secure portal
- Phone based support from real people when you need it!
Choose your pricing option:
$255/ month
3-month payment plan
Best value! Pay upfront and save 10%

Weekly Weight Loss Injection
Semaglutide has proven to be highly effective in helping clients lose weight where other methods have failed.
- Medication, Provider Consultation and Shipping all included
- Its as easy as 1 – 2 – 3! Create an account, answer a few medical questions, and speak with your doctor.
- Unlimited messaging with clinical staff through our secure portal
- Phone based support from real people when you need it!
Choose your pricing option:
$295/ month
3-month payment plan
Best value! Pay upfront and save 10%

Your Medication
Which Option Works Best For You?
Get 90-day medication supplies. Pay in 3 installments or upfront for a discount. Includes doctor consultation, prescription, and free shipping. Enjoy unlimited messaging with your clinical team and a personalized plan.